Rousell, D., & Diddams, N. (2020). Fielding hilarity: Sensing the affective intensities of comedy education and performance. Research in Drama Education [special issue on affect theory and new materialisms].
Rousell, D. (2020). A map you can walk into: Immersive cartography and the speculative potentials of data. Qualitative Inquiry [special issue on new approaches to inquiry].
de Freitas, E., Rousell, D., & Jaeger, N. (2019). Relational architectures and wearable space: Smart schools and the politics of ubiquitous sensation. Research in Education [special issue on biosocial imaginaries].
Rousell, D. (2019). Inhuman forms of life: On art as a problem for post-qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. (2019). A Review of Climate Change Education: Children and Young People having a ‘Voice’ and a ‘Hand’ in reddressing climate change. Children’s Geographies.
Rousell, D. & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2018). The Parental Milieu: Biosocial connections with animals, technologies, and the Earth. Journal of Environmental Education, 50(2), 84-96.
Rousell, D. (2018). Doing Little Justices: Speculative propositions for an immanent environmental ethics. Environmental Education Research [special issue on new materialisms].
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2018). Education for What? Shaping the emerging field of climate change education with children and young people as co-researchers. Children’s Geographies.
Rousell, D., & Fell, F. (2018). Becoming a Work of Art: Collaboration, materiality and posthumanism in tertiary visual arts education. International Journal of Education Through Art, special issue on Speculative Realisms in Arts Education.
Rousell, D., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Foster, J. (2017). Children of an Earth to Come: Speculative fiction, geophilosophy and aberrancy in climate change education research. Special Issue of Educational Studies on Alternative Approaches to STEM.
Cooke, G., Mules, W., Kerruish, E., & Rousell, D. (eds.) (in press). Special Issue on ‘Concepts for Action in the Environmental Arts’. Transformations Journal of Cultural and Media Studies.
McKnight, L., Rousell, D., Charteris, J., Thomas, K., & Burke, G. (2017). The Invisible Hand: Designing curriculum in the afterward. The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Rousell, D. (2016). Dwelling in the Anthropocene: Re-imagining university learning environments in response to social and ecological change. The Australian Journal of Environmental Education.
Cutcher, L., Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2015). Findings, Windings and Entwinings: Cartographies of collaborative walking and encounter. The International Journal of Education Through Art.
Rousell, D. (2015). The Cartographic Network: Re-imagining university learning environments through the methodology of immersive cartography. Multidisciplinary Research in the Arts. 5(1).
Rousell, D. & Cutcher, A. (2014). Echoes of a C/a/r/tography: Mapping the practicum experiences of pre-service visual arts teachers in the ‘Visual Echoes’ project. Australian Arts Education.
Cutcher, A. & Rousell, D. (2014). Collaborative Visual Mapping as Performance: Visual Arts pre-service teachers’ reflections on practicum. The International Journal of Education Through Art, 10 (2), pp. 247-254.
Rousell, D. & Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A. (in press). Climate Change Imaginaries: Encountering the Anthropocene with children and young people. Springer.
Rousell, D. (in press). Immersive cartography and post-qualitative inquiry: A speculative adventure into research-creation. Routledge.
Rousell, D., & Williams, D. (eds.) (2020). Ecological Aesthetics and ChildhoodNature (Research Handbook Section). International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands, Springer.
Widdop-Quintin, H., Piersol, L., Russell, J., & Rousell, D. (eds.) (2020). The International Handbook of ChildhoodNature Research Companion: Research by and for children and young people. The Netherlands: Springer.
Rousell, D., Cutcher, A., & Irwin, R. (2019). Making-Lines: Movement, affect and aesthetic causality in arts-based educational research. In K. Snepvangers & S. Davis (eds.). Embodied and walking pedagogies engaging the visual domain: Research co-creation and practice. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2018). The Mesh of Playing and Researching in the Reality of Climate Change: Children’s Research Play Spaces. In International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.
Rousell, D., & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2018). Uncommon Worlds: Towards an ecological aesthetics of childhood in the Anthropocene. In International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands: Springer.
Rousell, D., Laszcik, L., Irwin, R., & Cook, P. (2018). How Does Movement Come to Matter in Environmental Arts Pedagogy? In International Research Handbook on ChildhoodNature. The Netherlands, Springer.
Rousell, D. (2017). Mapping the Data Event: A posthumanist approach to art|education|research in a regional university. In L. Knight & A. Cutcher (eds.). Arts, Research, Education: connections and directions. New York: Springer International Publishing.
Rousell, D. (2017,). ‘Only a Child in the Eyes of the Public’: Climate change education as creative resistance to the present. Invited seminar presentation, Centre for Education Studies, University of Warwick.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Rousell, D., & Barratt, R. (2017). Climate Change Education as an Emerging Field. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A. & Rousell, D. (2017). Climate Change + Me. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Barratt Hacking, E., Rousell, D., Malone, K., & Barratt, R. (2017). Education for What? American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
Rousell, D. (2016). Technicities of Engagement: Diagramming noncompliant learning environments for Anthropocene times. Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: the 10th International Somatechnics Conference. Byron Bay, Australia.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2016). Disrupting Climate Change Education and its Research. Paper presented at North American Association for Environmental Education annual conference, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2016). Disruptive ChildhoodNature Research Methodologies in Changing Climates and Curriculums. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, USA.
Malone, K., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Barratt-Hacking, E., & Rousell, D. (2016). ChildhoodNature Theoretical Disruptions. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
Rousell, D., Cutcher, A., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Boyd, W., Fell, F., and St Claire, J. (2015). Walking with Media: Activating the CubeWalk network as a mobile architecture. Interactive presentation and workshop presented at Walking the Meshwork: Movement, Place and Entanglement international symposium, Southern Cross University.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (under preparation). Climate Change and Me: Creating educational futures with children and young people. Springer Briefs in Education: Springer International Publishing.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A., & Rousell, D. (2015). Keynote Address - Education for What: What Matters to Australian Children and Young People in a Changing Climate? International Invited Symposium, Gakushuin University, Japan.
Rousell, D. (2015). Surface Accretions: Prototyping posthumanist learning environments by walking and mappping an immersive cartography. Presentation at International Conference on New Materialisms IV. Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne.
Rousell, D., & Fell, F. (2015). Collectivities of Practice: Collaboration as posthumanist pedagogy in visual arts education. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium. Southern Cross University.
Rousell, D. (2015). Childhood After Nature: Walking and mapping posthumanist pathways for childhood in the Anthropocene. Conference presentation and workshop at the invited Colloquium for the International Handbook of Childhood|Nature Research.
Rousell, D., Cutcher, L., & Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2014). ‘We Are No Longer Ourselves’: Unravelling the harmonics of the collaborative voice in educational research. Conference presentation and workshop at the Australian Association for Research in Education annual conference, QUT, Brisbane.
Cutter-Mackenzie, A, & Rousell, D. (2014). Climate Change + Me: Children’s and Young People’s Voices in Holocene and Anthropocene Times. Invited symposium presentation at the Australian Association for Research in Education annual conference, QUT, Brisbane.
Rousell, D. (2014). Working Back from the Future: Putting speculative realism to use in mapping the ontological conditions of the Anthropocene. Invited symposium presentation at Seeing Things: Object-orientated ontology and creative research, QUT, Brisbane.
Rousell, D. (2014). Cubic Reflections: An interactive cartography of the sensory, spatial and ontological dimensions of tertiary learning environments. Conference presentation at the World Summit of the International Society of Education Through the Arts, MCG, Melbourne.
Rousell, D. & Cutcher, A. (2014). Visual Echoes: Mapping the practicum experiences of pre-service educators through collaborative artmaking and reflective practice. Conference presentation at the World Summit of the International Society of Education Through the Arts, MCG, Melbourne.
Rousell, D. (2013). Sustainability, Pedagogy and Contemporary Art: Current international practice and future directions for arts education in Australia. Conference presentation at the Australian Association of Educational Research annual conference, Adelaide.
2017: Lures for Feeling: Selected works from the States and Territories project (2014-2016). Exhibition at the Summer Institute for Qualitative Research, Manchester Metropolitan University.
2017: The Climate Change Challenge, public event featuring climate change art, science, and education (20 schools, 800 young people). Lismore campus, Southern Cross University.
2016: CubeWalk Soundtrail, Location-based audio walk and mobile application exploring stories of place from students and staff. Lismore campus, Southern Cross University.
2016: Walking the Meshwork, international symposium on walking as research, art, and education practice, Southern Cross University.
2015: CubeWalk. Permanent installation of interactive artworks with accompanying conceptual framework. Lismore campus, Southern Cross University.
2015: Past Now Future. Curated traveling exhibition of children and young people's art, research and writing about climate change.
2014: Sapphire, BGS invitational, Brisban
2014: Terraforms, Red Hill Gallery, Brisbane
2013: Cubic Reflections, interactive installation at Southern Cross University
2012: Autumn, Gallery Sikabonyi, Vienna, Austria
2011: Art Live, CATM gallery, Chelsea, New York
2011: Oculus, solo show at Red Hill Gallery, Brisbane
2011: Encore, Glass Artists Gallery, Sydney
2011: Mindscape- Convergence, solo show at Tweed River Art Gallery, Murwillumbah
2010-11: Ranamok Glass Prize finalists exhibition, Canberra Glassworks and national tour
2009: M(Art) gallery opening exhibition, Brisbane
2008- Sculpture en Verre, Luniverre Gallery, Paris, France
2007: Cherish, Artisan artspace, Brisbane
2007: Aurora Australis, Luniverre Gallery, Cordes, France
2006: ShowC.A.S.E., at Piece Gallery, Mullumbimby, NSW
2006: Flair, at the Court House Foyer, Perth
2005: Incandescence, at Nexus Artspace, Adelaide
2005: Blown and Thrown, at Pepper St. Art Gallery, Adelaide
2004: Sympatico, video installation at the Adelaide Fringe Festival
A Full List of References for the STATES + TERRITORIES project